It’s Ok To Not Be OK
It’s scary to open myself up to people here where my life will be accessible to anyone and everyone. I have to remind myself why I wanted to start this blog in the first place. My heart is to reach those who are where I am or have already been. I want us to encourage one another. I want to share my struggles so that you can be reminded that you aren’t alone. That truth has reassured me so many times while walking through this life of marriage, parenting, loss and everything else we face.
Ups and Downs
I am 32 and have a lot of life ahead of me. I’ve also walked through things that have left scars. It has taught life lessons and stretched me beyond what I ever thought possible. I’ve had many highs and more lows than I had hoped. However, that’s where some of the hardest and most valuable lessons lie. And something I personally know is the strength of the mind. Although a powerful tool, it can also quickly become a powerful weapon against yourself. Now that story is for another time but it reminds me to be on my guard. Unfortunately, it is easy to get caught up in the day to day and forget to fight that battle.
And that is where I find myself today. And why I am writing this to you.
I received an encouraging text from my sister-in-law following some deep conversation. She reminded me it’s OK to not be OK. Please sit with that a moment.
It’s OK to Question
Fast forward to this morning as I’m trying to pull my life together in the 4 hours my daughter is in school. I hear the song by We Are Messengers called Maybe It’s OK. Not a coincidence! God is so creative and his timing is perfect. I am reminded once more of this simple yet profound concept.
In the mix of everyday life while folding laundry and making lunches, running kids around and going to church, supporting a hard-working husband and following friends and other amazing women on social media, volunteering with various groups while trying to keep it all together and a smile on my face, it’s ok to not have it all together. It’s ok to feel sad, empty and question what God has for you. Please don’t get me wrong…..I’m not saying you walk around mopey and just accept where you’re at or go through a midlife crisis questioning where He has you and decide to blaze your own path. But I am saying…..
It’s OK to Feel
It’s OK to feel pain, sadness, hopelessness, frustration, doubt and whatever else might be plaguing. It is in these moments, when we seek Him and actually go to Him with these things, we find incredible healing and hope. We find a God who knows how we feel and not only wants to make it better but can!! In the midst of our pain, we see a God who gives us peace and joy. We love a God who sent his son to die for us so that we could be saved!
Life Can Be Hard
Unfortunately, there are no quick fixes for these times in your life. You may even benefit from seeing someone. I believe in the power of medication when needed and have experienced first hand what that can do in the healing process. I have also experienced the healing power of God and have seen it in the lives of those who I love dearly. Life is hard friends. SO HARD!!! And while there are things that I long for and desire deeply, when I take my eyes off of him and try to take care of it myself, I fail and I begin to lose hope. And hopelessness leaves me completely empty.
Be Encouraged
I don’t have all the answers for you. Heck……I don’t really have ANY answers for you but I can tell you that if you are in a season of life where you feel this way…….maybe it’s sadness, lack of motivation or desire, maybe you feel withdrawn or hopeless, maybe you’re anxious or fearful or depressed…….it’s OK. We are not called to be perfect. And it’s through these imperfections that we learn to rely more on Him and less on ourselves.
Trust in Him. Surround yourself with people who love you and can speak truth and wisdom into your life. Be honest and open with God, yourself, your family. Talk about it and don’t forget to fight. Fight for joy and peace and everything good that He has for you. I must remind myself that I am not bad or weird for feeling this way as I try to navigate this season in life. You aren’t either. We are human and I hope you can find encouragement in my openness and find hope in His truth. I am rooting for you!